

What Are Some Insider Tips for Social Networking for Business Purposes?

Social networking for business is an art form. This is because most people do not understand how to use social media for business purposes. The truth is that the target market of a business does not care where a business had lunch or who the business thinks is going to win the Super Bowl. The target market only cares about information that will help them solve their problems. Most social media gurus do not understand this fact.

1. Do not focus on your number of followers

There is a certain segment of the internet marketing community that calls themselves list builders. These people claim to be experts at generating lists of people interested in a certain topic or solving a certain problem. However, what happens most of the time for these people is that they generate lists full of people who are seeking for free information for those problems. This is akin to generating a lot of followers.

Many of the followers on Twitter may be people who are only looking to find free information about how to fix their problems. This is why focusing on followers looks impressive but the acquisition of followers may or may not increase the revenue of a business. It is better to focus on highly usable content that is consumable on for people who are really looking for someone to help them with their problem and willing to pay for it.

One of the best ways to do this is what a famous internet marketing expert calls, "racking the shotgun." A low priced (loss leader) product or service can quickly separate the buyers from the freebie seekers. Once, it is determined who actually buys and who is just looking or free advice, it becomes easier to gain the attention of those people who do buy. Focus on providing information, products, and services to those people who show that they are willing to spend money to solve their problems.

2. Get Free Market Research From the Social Networking Platforms

The social networks are an immense repository of marketing information. Many people gloss over the information that is available on these sites. However, the smart business owner does not do this. They carefully study the market for opportunities and specific language that they can use to develop a marketing message that is very persuasive to the target market.

These well-informed business owners also look for related topics that reveal business opportunities that they may miss elsewhere. Every complaint about a product or service on the social networks is an opportunity gap that no business has yet filled. A smart business owner looks at these opportunities and develops products and services to solve those problems.

A business that listens to this advice can do very well when entering a market. Not only will they be smarter about how they do business, but they will also be very effective at generating clients and sales. A business needs to be perceptive about how they use social media and how they speak to customers. The best way to be intelligent is to gain the intelligence from social media.

Scott Buendia consults for All the views and tactics in this article are tactics and ideas of the author; they do not necessarily represent the ideals, beliefs, or trademarks of Visit his card on Bizbuilt here,

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Social Networking Is Proving to Be a Valuable Tool for Healthcare Professionals

Healthcare is easily one of the most dynamic and consistently changing industries in the world today. With new treatments being developed, new drugs being tested, and new policies being implemented at what feels like an ever-increasing pace, healthcare professionals are responsible with keeping up to date with this constant flow of information. Social networking that is geared specifically towards these professionals is becoming more and more relevant each day, not only for the sake of keeping them informed, but also for the sake of helping them when they need aide, and connecting them with fellow professionals from around the world.

These days, not only is there a lot of new information for healthcare professionals to stay on top up, but it also comes from a number of different sources. Tracking new state and federal mandates, drug information, treatment options, and so on, can be a huge time-sink. To top it off, these tidbits of information tend to be posted in various spots all over the internet, sometimes making them tough to track down. If you don't know where to look for this inform, it can be even bigger time-waster, and let's face it, many people in the healthcare field don't have time to waste.

There comes many times in a medical professional's life where they need a helping hand in order to make sure that a patient procedure is performed correctly. In those instances, there is no better person to ask than an experienced colleague. However, sometimes those colleagues are not immediately accessible, especially for those who perform care on patients outside of a hospital or office. A well connected healthcare social network can put this distressed healthcare provider at ease, knowing that countless other colleagues are there to help at any given moment. Many times, questions asked through a populated social network are answered in minutes, if not seconds!

As the age-old adage goes, "two minds are better than one," which especially rings true in the world of healthcare. Healthcare professionals work together on countless medical issues in order produce the best possible treatment options for their patients. Having such easy access to other professionals lets medical practitioners brainstorm with their colleagues like never before by enabling them to directly reach out to fellow professionals from around the world at the touch of a finger. With this kind of access granted by a healthcare social network, who knows what of incredible feats the world's healthcare professionals will be able to accomplish!

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What Is The Highest And Best Use Of Social Networking For Business?

The highest and best use of social networking for business purposes is generating a list. This can be used for a multitude or purposes. However, what is important is the generation of this list. The list becomes the most important asset that a business owner or business person can have.

What is a list?

A list is a group of people who follow a business or friend a business (depending on the platform) because they like the information that the business has given them. In effect, this shows that they are potentially interested in what the business has to offer them. They have effectively raised their hand because they have chosen to follow the business or business person. This separates them from all the other possible customers because they are warm leads that have taken action. This is instead of people who have not taken any action at all.

What can you do with a list?

This list can be used to generate more sales. This is the most common use of the list. These people already have jumped through one hoop and have shown that they are interested in seeing more from the business or business owner. This means that the transition from interest to sale is much easier than making the leap from cold lead to sale. This is known as prospecting, except that most people prospect on a one on one basis. However, this is a much faster process because only the interested prospects are talked to while the people who are not interested are totally ignored.

A list can also be used to generate referrals. People already know, like, and trust the list owner. The list owner only has to ask the list who they should talk to next. The list will send a few ideas of future customers and future business associates. This is one of the most useful uses of a list. A business person or business owner will generate better leads through the existing network that they already have. These people are more likely to refer because the business owner has already shared a lot of training with the prospects. This means that they are inclined to reciprocate the kindness.

The list can also tell the owner what to do next. The best thing to do when trying to find more money is to ask the network what they need. Once there is an answer, the list owner can go out and find a solution that will solve that problem. This is the easiest market research a business owner can do. The business owner can have the market tell him or her exactly what they need or want and deliver it to the market for increased cash flow.

In conclusion, the highest and best use of social networking for business purposes is to generate a list of people who are predisposed to buying. This list of people is not only invaluable to the owner of the list, but also invaluable to the people who would buy access to the list. This list can put cash into the hands of the list owner in a variety of ways. The time spent building the list is time well spent as the list can feed the list owner for a long period of time after its creation. This is also an asset that can be transferred to another person in the future for monetary compensation.

Scott Buendia consults for All the views and tactics in this article are tactics and ideas of the author; they do not necessarily represent the ideals, beliefs, or trademarks of Visit his card on Bizbuilt here,

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What Is The Optimal Situation To Use Social Networking For Business?

The optimal situation for social networking for business purposes is when a business has an existing network of vendors and clients. This existing network can then be transferred to the social networks so that communication lines can be faster and the communication does not have to be tied to physical vicinities. Social networking optimizes the ability of a business to communicate effectively and quickly.

Social networking solutions help a business communicate faster and this is important because a business can then move quickly to take advantage of market opportunities. A business can also course correct quickly when things are going wrong with a marketing message or a project. A project manager can quickly tell their workers to make changes with a click of button instead of having to send a fax or calling each one of their workers individually. The format also allows them to attach their product files (in certain social networks) so that they are not only giving instructions but also giving detailed instructors on how to carry out those changes.

Social networking also helps sales to be closed. Car salesmen have classically used the close, "I need to talk to my manager about this." However, with the advent of social media, the salesman can message the manager and not need to leave the consumer alone. This instantaneous conversation helps a business deal close before the buyer has a chance to rethink their position on buying the car. The best thing to do when a person is in a buying mood to is to close the deal as soon as possible before they change their mind. This focus on closing the sale will increase revenue and allow the business and the sales man to have a better year.

Presentations can also be changed on the fly to suit the customer. The presenter may need facts and figures that are unavailable to them on the pulpit. However, a dedicated helper may give them this information via the social network and help their associate have a flawless presentation despite having to wing the production. This may be a good way of dealing with questions that the presenter does not have an immediate answer for on the spot. This information can be researched by an assistant and passed to the presenter via the social network.

In conclusion, social networking is very helpful for those businesses that have already established themselves in the market place. This allows those types of businesses to maximize their ability to communicate and communicate at a high rate of speed. This speed equates to faster changes to the business systems and adjustment to presentations and pitches. This also allows a person who presents a new product or pitches a joint venture to answer questions that they may not have the answer to right on the spot. The speed of the system allows a business to be more flexible than any business has been ever before. Any business that does not use social networking for business purposes must get involved in business networking or fail to be relevant in the future.

Scott Buendia consults for All the views and tactics in this article are tactics and ideas of the author; they do not necessarily represent the ideals, beliefs, or trademarks of Visit his card on Bizbuilt here,

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What A Professional Business Social Network Expert Should Be Interested In

A person who wants to become a professional in the business social media arena must focus on delivering results. This sounds obvious but it really is not obvious to most business owners. Most people who work in social media focus on metrics that mean nothing. Such as size of list and how many "re-tweets," they have achieved. The truth about this is that these metrics do not matter, what does matter is the propensity of the list to buy a product or service that is presented to the list.

A professional manager of social media needs to be focused on the bottom line. That bottom line is money and revenue. A skilled business social networker should be focused on delivering money into a business that they work for or are hired to help.

However, this not the case in most situations. There are a few reasons why this is not true. The first reason is that the social networker was not a business owner before they touted themselves as a business social networker. These people do not understand that every action in business should generate revenue. Therefore, these people are happy when they generate a bigger list (whether or not if the list is responsive to the offers). They are also happy when they can get a message to be spread virtually through the system regardless of the ability of that message to sell anything.

The other reason that many social media networkers are not effective is because the business owner is trained to use social media the wrong way themselves. This means that they are unable to discern a skilled social networker from a general user. At this point and time, a person can walk into the office of a business owner and tell them that they have 100,000 followers and get hired to run the social media campaign. However, these 100,000 followers are a mix of robots that are following people around a topic, people who are only online to make fun of other people for fun, and then those people who are really interested in the product or service. This list may only have 1 to 2 people who are actually buyers and they may have come from different topics. In short, this may not be the best list or the best methods to generate a list of buyers who are ready to work with a business.

A person who is a skilled social networker should be able to walk into the room and tell the business owner that they have a conversion rate of x amount from their list of x amount of people. This is the hallmark of a business social networker who understands the needs of a business owner. A good business owner is interested in making more money. Therefore, a skilled social networker for business should be interested in generating revenue too. This is how to find the right social networker for business purposes, because the normal user of a social networker will never be able to generate revenue. It takes a hardnosed conversion specialist to be able to use social networks for generating income.

Scott Buendia consults for All the views and tactics in this article are tactics and ideas of the author; they do not necessarily represent the ideals, beliefs, or trademarks of Visit his card on Bizbuilt here,

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Why You're Sabotaging Your Social Networking Efforts Failing to Use A Daily Action Plan

Don't have a social media pro on the payroll? Then it's important you take control of your social media tasks; before they control you. Before customers, followers and potential clients jump ship because of lack of engagement.

People connect because they like you. Want to hear what you have to say. Enjoy when you share. Appreciate your opinion. That said, it's important to keep a solid connection with followers and customers. This is best done by creating a daily and weekly action plan. To help you in the continuing process of engaging and connecting.

Here's 7 important reasons having a daily action plan is essential:

When you avoid it, it mounts up; becomes overwhelming.
It provides you with a regular, acceptable schedule you personally set; can handle.
Time is specifically assigned to this task. Making it easier to complete. Rather than haphazardly spreading it throughout the day; getting little done.
Encourages regular comments and contact from followers/customers.
Helps your biz develop better customer relationships.
Works to continuously raise your biz's level of visibility.
Has the added feel good side affect of a job well done.

As you can guess, a daily plan helps outline social media marketing tasks which should be done every day. For example, responding to comments. Sharing info, articles, case histories. Responding to customer problems, complaints. Thanking engaged customers.

The weekly plan is for those activities which should be accomplished at least once a week. For example - making announcements, reminders of upcoming events, deadlines. It can be accomplished in just one day, if you prefer. Plus you can also use the weekly plan to add tasks which must be completed on specific weeks during the month.

Here's a simple guideline to help you organize a daily and weekly Plan of Action:

Daily Posts

When it comes to posting, and updating your status on social media, consistency is key. The more you post, the more customers and potential customers see you. When you update regularly, they come to expect it and look for you.

Decide how often you'd like to post and work it into your daily plan of action. Again, keep in mind, consistency matters; not how many updates you make. In fact, updating too frequently can lose you followers on some platforms. A network like Twitter requires frequent updates; you're seen as active in the stream of posts. On the other hand, LinkedIn users might find all those updates annoying.

Replying to Followers and Customers

Replying to comments and questions from customers should be your number one priority. Never drop out of a conversation. Stay engaged with your audience and keep the interaction going. When you don't reply to questions and complaints, it looks strange, even rude. The last thing you want is to disappear, or offend someone, because it appears you're ignoring them.

Analyze Your Results

Monitoring of your social profiles should be done regularly. This not only means checking statistics to discover whether you're reaching set goals, but also setting alerts so you know what people are actually saying about you/your biz. If negative comments appear, they must be dealt with immediately.

Be Flexible

Set a detailed schedule and stick to it closely, but don't be afraid to change course if your efforts aren't getting results. Monitoring your social media efforts, regularly, will tell you when changes are necessary.

Moving Forward

Social media isn't something you set on autopilot and forget about. On the contrary, it takes daily tending and maintenance to achieve your results; to reach your goals. Not to mention keeping followers, customers and potential clients engaged and following.

Avoid relying on the same methods day in and day out. Instead be looking for, and open to, new strategies, features, apps, and methods for engaging your audience. Do this and your social media presence should be thriving and growing

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What A Cupcake Van Can Teach You About Success In Social Media

The best story of social marketing delivering revenue to a business is the story of a cupcake business in Washington DC. Two former executives who escaped the pressures of corporate life run this cupcake company. They transformed their love of cupcakes into a thriving business that pays them both in excess of $100,000 a year. This success would not be possible without the use of social media.

One of the most important developments with social media is the advent of location check ins. This lets friends and family know that a person is visiting a certain shop or vendor and that the shop or vendor can be trusted. In the cupcake makers' situation, this helped to get them a following of cupcake lovers. People would check into the business using their favorite social platforms and their friends and followers would see the check in. This social proof helped the business grow quickly and proved that they were a high quality vendor.

Another important factor has been the addition of GPS into some of the social networks. This has allowed service businesses that travel around and deliver products or services to be relevant on the internet. These services can be such things such as locksmiths, food carts, and painters. Usually, these services are highly mobile and do not have an address associated with them. This means that they cannot readily use the local maps for business advertising. These businesses need something else and that's location based check ins based on GPS locations. In fact, before the advent of this technology businesses that traveled have been known to share their location via the social networks. In this case, that is exactly what the cupcake cake van did. They shared their location with their audience and the people would coordinate their breaks so that they could go get the cupcakes. This practice leads to a greater amount of sales. They also generated buzz because many departments would be emptied due to their arrival on a certain street corner or block.

Social media can be highly effective for businesses without locations as evidenced with the above paragraphs. In certain situations, social media may be the best type of advertising that any business can generate as long as the hype is not mechanically generated. Such is the case of the cupcake makers, their ability to make delicious cupcakes, in addition to the lack of supply (since they are a mobile business) lended to their business success.

What success on social media networks takes is the willingness to put a company on the networks and find out what markets exist for their content. A business can also manage their fans through the social media networks and allow them to be where ever they are by telling the audience how and when to meet them. Social media is also effective for contests where the business can leverage the lists of their "friends" or "followers." If a business can do that, then they may experience the level of success that this little cupcake van in Washington D.C. has experienced.

Scott Buendia consults for All the views and tactics in this article are tactics and ideas of the author; they do not necessarily represent the ideals, beliefs, or trademarks of Visit his card on Bizbuilt here,

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What Are Some Good Tips For Someone Just Getting Started In Social Networking For Business?

Social networking is a very daunting task for someone who is just getting started. Social networking or social media is a broad subject; those who use the system have a broad range of interests, which is hard to navigate for those who are just getting started on the platforms. What is important is to focus on a few subjects and follow a few guidelines that allow a complete beginner to have success on the platforms.

The first thing a beginner should do when they enter the platform is find their existing network on the social networking platforms. This will give the new user a base of people to follow and learn how they use the system. Emulating successful people is important in any field of work. The new user should study the peers in their network to see how they use the social media platform and emulate those pieces of their strategy. There will, obviously, be things that their peers do that the new user cannot or is not willing to do. However, any piece of a social networking campaign that can be used should be used even if the whole strategy is not used itself.

Ask Them For Referrals - Once the new user has begun to use the system they should ask the network for referrals to people who can help them grow their network. In most cases, this network of people will be people who know, like, and trust the user. This is why the user should ask for referrals from these people because they already know who the user would be likely to get along with, which avoids awkward referrals where the referred person and the user do not get along. They also have knowledge of what the user does and have contacts that can help the user do their job better or be more successful at what they do.

Help Them Out First- Refer Them To Your List - The way to get people to refer to the user is to refer people to the network first. This is the phenomenon of reciprocation where the network will reciprocate the good deeds bestowed on them. This is "owing me" one in a business field. A business that helps another business succeed is far more likely to have the business also help them in return. This may help the business generate more referrals and more sales, which should be the goal for any business.

In closing, the first place that a user should look for contacts and how to use social networking platforms is their own network. This network has someone inside of it (more than likely) who is skilled at generating contacts and clients through the platforms and is more than willing to help their friend or family member (the user) make more money. What is important is that the user asks their network for help and then gives them help before they ask for it. This generates a feeling that the other business should reciprocate. This is the best way to use the social network platforms when a user is just starting to learn how to use the systems effectively.

Scott Buendia consults for All the views and tactics in this article are tactics and ideas of the author; they do not necessarily represent the ideals, beliefs, or trademarks of Visit his card on Bizbuilt here,

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10 Tips to Optimize Your Local Business Using Facebook

Social Media nowadays is not just limited to connecting with friends or acquaintances, sharing pictures or life updates. It has become a platform for business marketing as well, both in the global as well as the local field.

Facebook, as we all know, is the king of social networks. It is a good place to reach out to clients and build your brand online. The said social network provides much different functionality in which SEO analyst; web developers and marketers can use to get their business noticed online.

In this article we will be focusing on how you can optimize your local business' online presence with the use of Facebook.

10 Tips To Optimize Your Local Business Using Facebook

• A Good Page Name -It is best to have the name of your business as your page name in Facebook. This will help maintain a consistent identity of your brand and search engines can associate your Facebook page with your business. If you have establishments located in different areas, you can create a page with your business name plus the location, such as: Joe's Diner - Los Angeles.

• Inject Keywords in About Section - There is no need to be an expert web developer in order to get this done. Writing something for the "About" page is quite manageable. Insert keywords, essential business details as well as local address and phone number in the information section of your Facebook page, as this can help in the optimization for search engines. However, always remember to not overstuff it with keywords and keep in mind the proper keyword density, as this will gain high ranking in SERPs.

• Customize Facebook URL - As soon as you get certain numbers of Likes in Facebook, you will be able to make a custom URL for your page. It is best to still use your keywords, company or business name to add into the URL - as this will help in sharing your social profile easily and put a signal to search engines to associate the page with your product brand and services.

• Become a Fan - Use your local business page to become a fan of related local pages in Facebook, however, keep away from competitors. Liking a related local business page will enable you to interact and post comments on their updates, which gives you more exposure to the target audience.

• Target Locations with Status Updates - This is a good function to promote your brand products or services in a certain location. This will allow your status updates only to appear to people in specific locations. You can set this by clicking the dropdown arrow under your status box and change "Public" to Location/Language where you can specify a particular country, city or state.

• Offsite Page Links - Link to your Facebook page from your official blog or business website. This increases the value of your Facebook page in search engines and connects your brand with its social network outlets in the web. You can also consider spending some time commenting or posting to blogs or forums including a link to your page to maximize the backlinks.

• Content With Snippets - Turn your Facebook page into a hub of information where people get relevant answers to their needs in relation to the products or services that your business offers. You can post snippets of articles or lines with keywords from your official local business website then the link towards the page. This will serve as another inbound link strategy that helps in increasing your online presence.

• Add Images - Since Facebook implemented its Timeline version, posted pictures are the first things to capture the attention of many. As such, businesses took this advantage to promote their brands and services. Hence, it is recommended to put a cover photo that depicts the story of your local brand and tells the customers what it is all about. You can also add some graphics and images into your status updates as this will result in more "Likes".

• Regular Content Update - Unique, relevant and interesting content has always been an important factor in SEO. It can add value to your Facebook page. A page update highlights fun and informative contents that drive likes to your page. You can also reward you page fans special discounts on your products or host contests in your local page. This will give followers the idea that you have an active page and increase the value of your SEO efforts.

• Facebook Ads - This is an affordable way in promoting your brand to your target customers in a specific country, city, state, region, and etc. Facebook gives you the capability of serving ads only in a targeted geographical area, you will also know how many people are likely to see your ads, use images, and show up in a user's Facebook News feeds once they click "Like".

These are just some of the countless tips out there for optimizing Facebook pages for your local business. And as with all global or local SEO strategies, never expect increase in conversion to happen immediately, as everything takes time to see the change in results.

However, giving constant reliable and quality content in your page is not rocket science; all you need to keep in mind is what your clients and future customers want and need from a local business, and make sure that you cater to them effectively.

Hi! I'm Jollie Garado and I'm interested in writing about technology and SEO - outsourcing, link building or outsource web development to improve your small business.

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The Exact Steps A Business Needs To Take To Find the Right Social Networking Professional

Finding the right training for social networking is one of the hardest things to do. The fact of the matter is that most people do not know what they are doing with social media. This just one of the many places where the adage of "fake it till you make it" runs rampant. There are a multitude of people who only claim to have mastery over a subject. However, that is all they really have, is a claim. What is unfortunate is that these people are able to convince people that they are experts. These experts then sell products and services to unsuspecting masses that buy the product and get no results.

The best way to find a good coach to teach a business about successful social networking for business is to check with their business partners. These people will have experience in trying to find a provider who supplies such a service or product. This is the place to go because a business can trust those businesses that they do business with already. There is no reason for either party to hide anything from each other. Therefore, a business can get the best information and help to find the right provider without trying to develop the information themselves. This is the fastest and best way to find a provider.

If a business cannot locate another business associate who has experience then the next best thing is to ask themselves what kind of budget is allocated for the product or service. If money is no object then the best action is to go to the search engine and start talking to the highest-ranking results. If a business has high rankings, then that likely means that believe in their service or product and are willing to spend money to generate clients. This shows confidence in what they are doing and how that business is doing it.

However, if a business has a budget allocated for the acquisition of this professional then the best thing to do is to visit the freelancing sites and begin testing those people to find the right fit. These tests include testing the ability of the provider to listen to instructions. This is as simple as asking the provider to write in a certain phrase into their proposal such as, "I've fallen, and I can't get up." If the provider does not enter this text into the proposal then they cannot follow directions and have disqualified themselves from the hiring process. This will limit the number of people who are not suited to work on the project.

Finding the right professional to help a business with social networking can be intimidating. However, it does not have to be as intimidating as it seems. All it takes is the right training to find the right provider. Reading and following the guidelines in this article can really help a business make right decision and experience success.

Scott Buendia consults for All the views and tactics in this article are tactics and ideas of the author; they do not necessarily represent the ideals, beliefs, or trademarks of Visit his card on Bizbuilt here,

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Why Privacy Is No Longer the Foundation of the Internet

Social media privacy was the foundation of the internet at one point. However, the new foundation that the internet is being built upon is the new age of advertising. This means that all advertising is being built upon a massive amount of information that the search engines and social networks have about their users. The truth about the internet is that the future is all about collecting more and more information about a person so that the network can target specific ads to that user.

The Cloud wars are wars over who will control the most information about their users. Every company that has a Cloud service has the potential of categorizing the information in those accounts for advertising purposes. This is why many of the owners of these businesses do not want anything private on the internet. This is because a person with a lot of privacy on the internet is a person that the services cannot monetize for their users.

The social networks and the search engines will find new ways of getting information about their users because it benefits them. A person needs to remember that a social media system or a search engine is in the business of making money for themselves. This means that they will always make choices that benefit them and then their users. However, when a person really thinks about it, a business has an obligation to the share holders and the owner of the company to make money. This is the main thing to keep in mind when a person uses the search engines and the social networks.

The new foundation of the internet is about getting information about a user of their system. This means that the user is in jeopardy of losing their privacy at every turn on the internet. Therefore, the defense is to watch a person does online with a fine tooth comb. The ability of a person to manage their social media profile is the ability of the person to effectively shut off all the outside influences that attack them. This means that a person ultimately has total control over everything that happens to them in a period of time on the internet. This should be comforting and discomforting at the same time.

What this really says is that a person chooses how much privacy they have now and in the future. A person who manages their social privacy with an eye open because the social networks and the search engines are seeking more information about that person. Often, they do this without letting the person know in a way that allows them to notice. They are required by law to tell the user how they are going to do it, but much of the time that information is enclosed inside technical data and legalese. Therefore, a person can have a very difficult time keeping their social media private.

Therefore, a person looking for the maximum level of privacy has to be eternally vigilant when using the internet. The internet has become more and more treacherous has it relates to privacy, and a person who does not recognize the tactics that the internet is taking to take away their privacy is a person who has no privacy at all.

Scott Buendia consults for All the views and tactics in this article are tactics and ideas of the author; they do not necessarily represent the ideals, beliefs, or trademarks of Visit his card on Bizbuilt here,

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Why It Is Increasingly Harder and Harder to Have Social Media Privacy

Social media privacy is becoming increasingly harder and harder to achieve. This is because the social media system and search engines are in the habit of collecting all the information they can about their users. If a search engine or social media system can get more information about their users, then they can make more money off those people because of the advertising revenue. They will sell this information to their advertisers who are willing to pay a premium for it.

Therefore, the new world of the internet is a world of shrinking privacy. In fact, it is not hard to say that privacy may be dead on the internet and in real life. Whatever segment that a person or business owner is looking to target can be targeted on the social media systems or the search engines within their pay per click advertising models.

This information that is captured from the users is a massive boon for these businesses. This information allows a business to target their ads with scary proficiency. This targeting means that lead costs go down and the amount spent on acquiring a customer goes down as well. This is all the metrics that a business needs to dominate their competition now and in the future.

However, this means that it is increasingly difficult for a user to have privacy on the internet. The internet used to be about privacy; however, the businesses have learned that they can use the internet to make more money. They will use this system to exploit the buying habits of their users, therefore, this trend will continue until the government tells them to stop using the systems to collect this information.

The sooner the government gets involved; the better off the individual users of the internet will be in the future. This is because there is a lot of information already on the social media systems and search engines about people and their habits. That is information that cannot be unseen or uncollected. It stays where it is and will not go back to the person who really owns that information.

However, until that time, a person has to manage their own activities on-line very carefully. This is because the systems will continually try to get more information about the user in whatever way is currently legal. As stated before, they have to do this because it is the only way they can make money on the systems they have created. They do not charge a front end fee for what they do, therefore, they have to monetize through advertising.

In conclusion, a person who wants social media privacy must work extremely hard to maintain it. A person who works hard to keep their social media privacy is a person that is eternally vigilant because the social media systems and the search engines will always find new and innovative ways of getting more information about their users. Therefore, a person needs to be careful how they search the search engines, and how they post and update on the social media systems. Every little piece gives the system more information about them and brings them closer to offers that they will not be able to resist.

Scott Buendia consults for All the views and tactics in this article are tactics and ideas of the author; they do not necessarily represent the ideals, beliefs, or trademarks of Visit his card on Bizbuilt here,

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How Social Media Can Generate Buzz for Your Company and Get You On The News

A business can gain a buzz by achieving success on the social networking platforms. What is hot in the business news is any business can generate success by using social networking. Why? This is because so few companies are successful at generating business from the social media platforms. There are a lot of reasons why it is difficult to do this. However, a business that can do it successfully can grab a ton of free publicity.

Social networking is the home of "word of mouth" marketing. This medium is the source of unfettered opinions on everything. All topics are allowed and the truth is that the medium is the best source of information about any business. This means that reporters are also looking for stories and authorities in this resource. A smart thing to do is to look for a story that businesses can "piggy back" on news that is current and post that on the social media networks. If that business can get enough people to share the post (as long as it is relevant to the topic) then they will generate buzz about the business. This buzz will turn into sales and followers.

Any subject that catches on the social networking systems is a topic that the businesses can blog about or write an article to use on the article submission sites. The business can also recycle the article, make a press release about it, and send that to the news editors around the town. However, this type of interaction may be more likely to be picked up because the social signals on the social networks are positive. This is a strong indication that the topic is a hot topic that reporters want to write or generate a story about for use in the paper or the newscast. This is a much easier proposition than generating a press release that may or may not be picked up by the news carrier.

Social networking or social media is a great source of information and market testing that no business should be without. All it takes is the willingness of the business to put their foot into the market. As evidenced by the posts above, a business can greatly increase their standing in the local marketplace by using social media and tweaking the content into usable formats for news carriers around the town. Anytime a business can generate buzz online and offline is time well spent.

Social networking is a good idea for any business. It gives the business marketing intelligence and it generates a buzz around the business. This information can then be recycled into content that can be used with news outlets around the town. What is smart is the ability of a business to use the content they generate and use it in many forms to gain as much exposure as possible. The use of this system will allow a business to generate business every quickly and leave competitors scratching their heads trying to figure out how it was done.

Scott Buendia consults for All the views and tactics in this article are tactics and ideas of the author; they do not necessarily represent the ideals, beliefs, or trademarks of Visit his card on Bizbuilt here,

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Why Finding a Provider to Help a Business Keep Their Privacy Is Essential

Once a person or business is looking to find a skilled provider of social media privacy they must look at a few key things. The truth about social media privacy is that most networks give this ideal lipservice, which is to say that the networks only say that they provide a level of social networking privacy. What they do actually provide is privacy from other users. However, they do not provide privacy to business owners who are buying ads on the system. There is also nothing stopping them from selling the information and the names of the people on their platform to people for whatever purpose they deem appropriate. Therefore, finding a provider of social media privacy is essential to having a successful social media experience.

The first thing to do when looking at a provider of social networking is to look at their belief system. Most of the social networks do not provide experience that is truly private. This is because a business model is built around advertising because they do not charge membership fees up front. They also have not figured out how to monetize what they do best. This is the ability to allow two or more people to talk and exchange ideas. A system that is built on this model must use advertising to generate revenue because there is no other way for them to generate that revenue. This is where most of the shady practices that happen in social media companies occur.

The amount of information that a social networking get about person is staggering. This information is very valuable to advertisers who are looking for certain types of people in their target market. However, this is not illegal it seems innocuous in itself. Yet, this practice usually occurs without the knowledge of the user.

The truth about most people is that they do not bother to read the fine print. The fine print is what details what information and application can pull from their profile and specifically what that application can do with their profile. Therefore, an application may be pulling a lot more information than the user realizes however, they are in a moment where they are excited about having the value of whatever the application promised. Therefore, they do not listen and they do not read what the application will take from the profile and what they are able to do with the profile.

All this information that a social network or an application gets from a user can be sold to the highest bidder. In fact, this may even be detailed in the fine print that most people do not bother to read. The answer to this, of course, is to read the fine print carefully. The user should carefully study the fine print to find out how the application or the social network will use the information that they pull from a user profile. Therefore, those people who understand how to read the fine print and take the time to understand the fine print will have better privacy than those who do not take the time to read the fine print.

Scott Buendia consults for All the views and tactics in this article are tactics and ideas of the author; they do not necessarily represent the ideals, beliefs, or trademarks of Visit his card on Bizbuilt here,

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Why Privacy Is the Most Important Word in Social Media

Social media privacy is becoming one of the most important topics online or off-line. This is because many businesses are overstepping their bounds as it relates to the use of social media information. To be honest, this is not totally their fault because the information is available to them in is legal to get this information. This does not condone the use of this information for what they are using it for. However, businesses will not stop using the information until the government steps in to stop them.

However, the truth is that the government is not that far away from stepping in to handle this problem. There are several cases being litigated right now that have social media information at the core of the lawsuit. These cases include situations where the social media information was used to disqualify a candidate from getting a job or firing a candidate from the job they had already. In the latter case, the worker was asked to give their password to the profile to the company. This sounds like a overstepping of the bounds that a business can require however, there was no precedent for this kind of action before. Therefore the business got away with it. At that point in time.

Therefore, the future of social networking will include the ability of a person to keep those things that they wish to keep private, private. This means that the informational social networks will need to be kept private, either by the company providing the service or user themselves must be very careful about what they say on their social profile. This is because government has not said whether or not a social profile is public domain or not. Many people believe that the government will roll that the social networks are private and should not be used for business purposes, such as hiring and firing. However, this moment has not come so everyone who is looking to use social media profiles needs to be very careful about what they say and what they share, on most of social network platforms.

The future social networking programs is more privacy and not less. This because social networks have already gone too far to provide specialized information to businesses that they can use for marketing purposes. The problem now has become that the social networks are providing too much information that they can be used for uncivil purposes such as hiring and firing. It is the best guess of the authors that the future holds. Regulations that businesses will not be able to use the social platforms for hiring and firing reasons. However, until this point the user of the social media systems need to be very careful about how they use the systems.

In conclusion, a smart social media user does not reveal anything they want to keep private on the social networks because muscle social networks will not keep it private. Therefore, and experience social media user will be very careful about what they talk about on the social network systems until the government steps in and regulates light is private and what is not private. This will give a social media user the best chance possible to keep their job or to get a new job.

Scott Buendia consults for All the views and tactics in this article are tactics and ideas of the author; they do not necessarily represent the ideals, beliefs, or trademarks of Visit his card on Bizbuilt here,

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How Interviewing Experts Helps SEO and Social Media Marketing Efforts

Interviewing experts helps build the credibility of the business. This is because interviewing experts helps show that the business is interested in getting the highest amount of good information possible for their clients and themselves as well.

To make a good impression in social media marketing, interview experts and influential individuals within the niche and post videos of the interviews on YouTube. Not only is this going to be interesting to those on the site, but if a person shows that they have an association with those that are respected in their field, they will grow in reputation by default. Inspiring customer credibility and confidence helps sell more of the company's products and services.

Even though people do not think about it, video sites are social media sites. In fact, video sharing sites might be some of the first social networks in existence. Therefore, the use of videos in social sharing sites is a good thing. Therefore, a business that can come up with relevant videos and post them on social sharing sites may experience a rapid growth in their social media follower list. All that the business needs to do is refer them to their social media profile and most of the people who are interested will follow (or friend) the social media profile as needed.

A business may also interview an expert and allow the audience to participate through a webinar or a phone interview. The interview should be presentation based and only allow questions and answers at a particular time. The best thing to do is to have the questions moderated so that the attendees cannot hijack the call for their own purposes (i.e. pitch their own business in middle of the webinar).

Another place where traditional social media could be useful is attracting an audience to the interview. The social media systems are great at advertising and generating attendees to events because the events are social in nature themselves. This means that the social media user is transferring from one social media platform to another and this generally increases the conversion of a social media user to an attendee of an event quickly and easily.

In closing, there are many uses to interviewing an expert because of the many benefits that interview will give the interviewer in the long run. Not only will the interview generate more publicity for the interviewer and interviewee, it also gives them another asset to load on to a social networking video site. Therefore, they have another asset to rank on the first page of the search engines. This means that they can knock other users off the first page of a keyword if properly targeted. It also can serve to defend the brand when another user uses a video to try to release an attack on the business itself. Therefore, this interview is not only a great way to generate interest and authority. It also has SEO applications that even stretch to the ability of the website to defend itself in the end. Therefore, an interview is always a good thing for a business to schedule and execute.

Scott Buendia consults for All the views and tactics in this article are tactics and ideas of the author; they do not necessarily represent the ideals, beliefs, or trademarks of Visit his card on Bizbuilt here,

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How the Etiquette For Business Social Networking Came To Be

Social networking for business was mostly influenced by the way that the social networks were already being used. The truth about most social networks is that they were developed by college students who were looking to communicate with each other more effectively and quickly. This lead to technology that was not optimal for business use. Therefore, the business owners who were early adopters followed the pattern that had already existed on the networks and tried to use the format for business success. However, any system not generated for business success is doomed to fail when used for business purposes.

Businesses were forced to share information across the social network in non-secure ways. In the early days of social media (and this still exists on most sites) a business could not pick and choose who could see a message and who could not. This leads to sharing of secrets that a business would normally try to hide (if the business was not careful). It can also lead to the inability to communicate effectively with their peers or business associates. Either one of these problems caused most businesses not to adopt social media systems in their businesses. They were just too risky to be used inside business systems.

Sharing important information was too easy to push down with other content. Most of the people on the social networks are individuals and not businesses. This means that content from a business can be easily pushed down by random chatter from the lists. This means that sales messages and business information that may be pertinent is lost to the influx of general information about another person's life. This made businesses far less likely to use the system, or to use the system like other people who were already using the system (which is ineffective for business purposes).

A lot of innovations inside the system did not appear until much later. This is especially true from business owners or business people, most people tried to swim with the tide instead of testing how different actions affected the tide. Most businesses tried to enter the status quo and talk like the users did (who were not using the system for business purposes). It was not until much later when businesses tried to optimize their profiles for search engines. This is a practice that is just in its infant stages on the social networking platforms. The truth is that most businesses are too willing to swim with the tide than to try different approaches to using the tide. This is all because of the original users of the system who set the precedent for those who followed them.

Most of the business practices that exist on the social networks were developed by people who were not business owners. These people set the etiquette for the users a very long time ago and most business people have not bothered to question why things are done the way they are on the social networks. When a business enters the social networking world, they need to look at the practices that are being used on those platforms. A plan must be generated and if a new technique is better suited for business than the existing practice then it must be tested and implemented.

Scott Buendia consults for All the views and tactics in this article are tactics and ideas of the author; they do not necessarily represent the ideals, beliefs, or trademarks of Visit his card on Bizbuilt here,

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Building Online Presence

Building online presence is a combination of putting together a social network.

This is such a simple but very powerful platform that will allow you to market any product or service imaginable. When it comes right down to it, there is only one you and branding yourself is nothing more than leaving your footprint on this thing called the World Wide Web. The great thing about building online presence is that it can be done free or at a very low price.

From my own personal experience I really struggled online for well over a year. Let's be honest, I failed miserably plain and simple! My focus was on mastering every marketing strategy know to man and I got stuck in learning mode. There is nothing wrong with being in learning mode but you may find yourself spinning your wheels without gaining much traction.

Laying down a solid foundation when building online presence is pretty simple. Building your presence online is like creating a new neighborhood. You establish your residence and even get to pick your neighbors. This is not rocket science, in fact it's amazingly simple to do. You can build your residence as fast as you wish or do this over the course of weeks and months.

When building online presence your mapping out your virtual real estate. In the eyes of Google everything that has your name on it is all interconnected. There are 3 things from my school of hard knocks that any online marketer must have in place, in order to build from. A simple word press blog is a key component. This is your house so to speak in this new neighborhood. Be sure to invite over guest to visit and ask them to return as often as they wish. Another aspect just as important to branding is social media sites. These social media sites allow you to build relationships and find high quality targeted friends that you can network with. It would be to your advantage to sign up to as many social media sites as possible. The third basic element is a You Tube channel. Video is incredibly powerful and if it has relevance it ranks very high in the search engines. Also Google owns You Tube so it is well liked for good reason.

All social media sites help building online presence:

My Space
Linked in
You Tube

One important factor when building online presence is to take your time setting up your profiles. I'm going to suggest that you use the same picture at each site so that people will recognize you from place to place. Also be sure to fully fill in all information and write a great but brief biography. Your blog url should be in your profile and most sites have a place for you to put in your website. This connection with all your social media pointing to your blog adds to the territory of your brand and interconnects the sites within Google.

Now that you have your frame work of social sites built you slowly add friends and pick them from groups of ladies and gentlemen that you would like to know or work with. This can be extremely powerful as your network builds. Having a solid base of entrepreneurs and business minded contacts will eventually result in a steady flow of leads. People will seek you out and want to be a part of what ever your involved in. Remember people join people and not the offer. Building your online presence first before you become an expert marketer will help speed up the brand that is, you.

Hope you enjoy this article. Be sure to visit my blog for other great articles. Also come and see how I'm making my full time living from the internet. Life is short so finish strong my friend.

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Increase Profit With Twitter

People have always searched for ways to increase the profit of their business, regardless of what business it actually is. Over decades people have invested in advertisement and customer care as a way to lure customers in and keeping them. But this has changed in the past few years. People are connected to the internet 24/7 and are very much involved in social networks. You will see on this article how to increase your profit exponentially with Twitter; simply by using the popular social network you will be capable of seeing a noticeable increase in your income.

One of the most obvious ways to increase revenue is to do a little advertisement. This will catch the customers' attention and will draw them into your business, whether you have a physical store, an online project, or both.

With Twitter there are no limits as to the amount of people follow you; in other words, there is no limit as to how many people find out about what you have to say and offer. You can simply post information on hot deals that you offer, great discounts, new products coming soon, special offers for a specific time frame or day, and much more. Your customers (and potential customers) will find out about all these options and will be walking into your business increasing your profit. Keep in mind that Twitter is a free service, so there is no cost associated and there are no limits as to what you can do.

Another clear example to increase your profit exponentially with Twitter is to include links that will direct the reader back to your website. On your web site you can have many options to increase earnings besides the clear examples of selling goods (both tangible and virtual). There are advertisement options where your site will get paid for every time that someone visits your site, or you can get paid for every time that someone clicks on an ad located on your site, and more. This means that it is vital to have people walking into your site and reading what you have to say in addition to just purchasing what you sell. Using Twitter to have the clients link back to your site will lure traffic in and you will have a great economic benefit; you can thank Twitter.

You may be wondering how to actually acquire Twitter followers, and this is a simple task. The most straight-forward ways are that people actually get to know you first and search for your (or your business') profile on Twitter or be referred by some friend of theirs who is already following you. Another option that works just as well (and I speak through personal experience) is to purchase followers. is one of the best sources to do such a deal. The options here are to purchase plain followers or to purchase targeted followers; the latter is the best option, since these are people who are already interested in what you do and what you offer. This means that with a small investment and in no-time you can have thousands, or tens of thousands of people reading your news feed. This is a very quick and efficient way to let large groups of people find out of your products, your services, deals, discounts and much more!

To sum up, these are the best and most efficient ways to make profit out of Twitter, either with a direct or indirect impact, but very valid nonetheless. I hope that this comes useful to you; and remember: there are no limits as to what you can do with a social network as is Twitter, whether it is gaining new customers, increasing sales, providing customer care and much more!

Keep you updates about latest social media enhancements and new features. Check for more articles.

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Social Media Privacy for Business

A business has to have their movements on the social media systems private because every move that a business makes on the social media systems is strategic in nature. This means that anything that is noticed by the competition can be copied and the business that has no privacy loses an edge that they previously had before they posted on the social media systems.

If this seems like a conspiracy theory, then a person really needs to rethink that idea. The social media systems (most of them) are not in the business of maintaining any business's or person's social media privacy. In fact, most of the social networks' policies are to let everyone see all the posts and updates that a social media user (business or otherwise) have done in the past. This gives competitors the chance to look over the entire profile and use the same tactics that business has used in the past.

Obviously, this is a major disadvantage for a business. Therefore a business owner must be very careful about what they post on some of the major social networking sites. This is because the things that they post on the social networking sites could be their very downfall against some of the more aggressive competitors that are standing in their way of success. These businesses will stop at nothing to corner a market. Therefore, a business owner needs to keep this in mind when using the major social networks.

The best way to make sure that the competitors do not get the information from the social media profile is for the business to make sure that their posts are set to private. This keeps people from discovering information that they should not know about a business. It does not matter if this is a competitor or if it is a normal person who is just curious about how a business runs their social media campaign.

Even if the business wants to release information to the general populace, then they should still set their privacy settings to private. This is because the business will want to post information that is only for certain eyes. Therefore, one slip up could cause that message to be sent to everyone if the settings are wrong. It is best to avoid this situation all together.

Obviously, managing a social profile for privacy is the best thing for a business owner to do. A business has too many processes that a competitor should not know about and therefore copy. With this in mind, the business owner has to watch every step on the social media program and make sure that they being as private as possible. This will keep them out of trouble in the future.

Scott Buendia consults for All the views and tactics in this article are tactics and ideas of the author; they do not necessarily represent the ideals, beliefs, or trademarks of Visit his card on Bizbuilt here,

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