
Tín hiệu giao dịch ngoại hối để Tránh

Nó rất dễ dàng để suy nghĩ về thực tế, nhưng trong kinh doanh ngoại hối, những "thực sự" suy nghĩ thế giới không phải là quá thực tế và không quá nhiều thành hiện thực. Ngoại hối không phải là một thế giới mà các phương trình là như nhau. Hơn không có nghĩa là nhiều hơn và trong kinh doanh ngoại hối nó rất dễ dàng cho các thương nhân để bỏ qua những gì họ muốn tránh. Cũng như sự hiểu biết và biết thủ set-up, nó cũng không kém phần quan trọng để hiểu và biết các ngành nghề con chó đó là avoided.There là nghề phổ biến mà sẽ là tốt nhất để tránh cho các thương nhân mới, và đôi khi tất cả các nhà đầu tư. Nếu chiến lược của bạn là một thương nhân hành động giá cả, có thể bạn sẽ làm quen với các set-up. Nhận biết các set-up và hiểu rằng họ đang set-up tôi khuyên bạn nên để lại một mình.
Các tín hiệu đảo chiều chôn Away tại Giá
Điều này có thể tàn phá cho thương nhân. Đó là một tín hiệu hoạt động của giá hình thành trong giao thông. Những tín hiệu này không có lợi thế trên thị trường có tín hiệu lớn có. Bạn sẽ tìm thấy tín hiệu đảo chiều đi chôn trong giá cả. Họ có thể dính ra hoặc không dính ra và sẽ hiển thị vị trí khác nhau. Bạn muốn xem xét cẩn thận tại các bảng xếp hạng và hiểu các tín hiệu và vị trí của họ.
Tín hiệu Swing không chính xác
Khi bạn bắt đầu học kinh doanh, tín hiệu từ swing không chính xác là khó khăn để tìm hiểu. Chúng tôi có một số điểm quan trọng để chia sẻ với tất cả các nhà đầu tư khi bạn làm một thương mại tín hiệu đảo chiều:
1. Khi bạn giao dịch đảo chiều, bạn sẽ cần phải nhập giá hái thương mại để "đảo ngược"
2. Bạn sẽ không thể giao dịch một sự đảo ngược như một sự tiếp nối
3. Một swing giá không được xác định bởi một con số cụ thể của nến
4. Một ngọn nến duy nhất trong không phải là một giá
Dẻo dai của các tín hiệu đảo chiều giao dịch là bạn sẽ thường xuyên vào khu vực thị trường được các bé trai lớn đang gặt hái lợi nhuận của họ khi bạn thương mại từ các điểm đu không chính xác.
Bấc trên kết thúc khác của Pin Bars
Khi bạn nhìn thấy một Pin Bar với một bấc mà nhô ra, nó được coi là một tốt Pin Bar. Tuy nhiên, bạn không muốn để hiển thị nến bấc ở đầu bên kia của Bars Pin tốt. Một mẹo chung ở đây, bạn muốn tránh Pins với bấc lớn thấp hơn hoặc cao vì chúng có thể tạo ra vấn đề. Lý do tại sao là làm thế nào chúng được tạo ra. Bạn sẽ thấy rằng nhiều lần bấc được tạo ra do từ giá bị từ chối từ một cấp độ. Người bán hàng sau đó đẩy giá xuống, và kết quả là việc tạo ra các bấc trên. Bấc trên Pin Bars có thể rất khó hiểu và hết sức khó khăn. Có rủi ro liên quan. Bạn thấy rằng khi bạn đi vào một thương mại với Pin Bar có nguy hiểm như bạn có thể đẩy giá trở lại cao hơn.
Các Inverted Pin Bar
Nếu bạn là người mới đến học tập kinh doanh ngoại hối, bạn có thể đã được rút ra để thanh Pin, có thể chứng minh được khó khăn khi học tập đầu tiên, và, thật không may, một cái gì đó mà hầu hết các nhà đầu tư được rút ra để khi họ lần đầu tiên bắt đầu học. Những gì là khó hiểu về thanh Pin là nơi mà các vị trí kinh doanh tốt nhất là. Tuy nhiên, khi từ điểm đúng trên bảng xếp hạng, nó có thể là một hành động đáng tin cậy và mạnh mẽ giá thiết lập. Nó cần phải được các điểm chính xác, tuy nhiên, hoặc nó sẽ mất đi lợi thế của mình trên thị trường.
Các đảo ngược Pin Bar là Pin mà các hình thức chỉ ra con đường sai. Tuy nhiên, nó có thể được lừa dối để đọc. Khi Pin Bar dính vào giá thay vì chỉ đi. Nói cách khác, thanh Pin không nổi bật so với một mức giá để giúp tâm trí của bạn đăng ký để tránh nó. Nó là khó hiểu. Thông thường, các Pin Bar gợi ý giá chuyển theo hướng ngược lại so với những gì mà họ thường thấy và đây là lý do tại sao thương nhân mới là cả tin không phải là Inverted pin Bar. Thương nhân cần phải biết những gì các tín hiệu của Pin Bar là họ cung cấp tín hiệu khác nhau đó gợi ý các hướng khác nhau. Và, khi bạn thương mại từ tất cả các Bars Pin, họ phải được giao dịch từ các lĩnh vực chính xác trên các bảng xếp hạng.
Kinh doanh ngoại hối là phức tạp, và điều quan trọng là phải có đào tạo trước khi bạn nhảy vào thế giới tuyệt vời của giao dịch. Có rất nhiều tài liệu về kinh doanh ngoại hối, cũng như có rất nhiều các khóa học giáo dục trực tuyến. LTGGoldrock đánh giá cho thấy một chương trình vững chắc cung cấp nền tảng để trở thành một thành công Forex Trader. Sau khi đọc LTGGoldrock Nhận xét ​​, hãy truy cập trang web cho chính mình. Có một thế giới thông tin và người tiêu dùng quan tâm trong việc trở thành nhà đầu tư có cơ hội để học hỏi từ một giải thưởng huấn luyện viên thành công trong ngành công nghiệp kinh doanh. Kinh doanh ngoại hối là cái gì đó là nguy hiểm, và có được một tốt, nền tảng vững chắc nên là mục tiêu đầu tiên của bạn.


Social Networking in the Workplace - Should It Be Allowed?

Social networking, Internet-based web sites such as Twitter and Facebook, is a relatively new phenomenon which has taken over the social lives of many in a similar manner to e-mail taking over the art of letter writing and communication. It has become the main method many people use to stay in touch with family, school friends and work colleagues both over long distances and during times when they cannot meet up in person. For some, fortunately relatively few in comparison to the numbers involved, it has become the only form of social intercourse they participate in and has replaced the television as the number one occupation for evenings spent at home alone. For others it is a distraction from the pressures of everyday life, a form of diary detailing their feelings and actions or, again in relatively small numbers, a means to create a different, better personality and present it to the outside world. Social networking sites are generally integral, offering a wide variety of activities the user can spend their time on, from the accepted status updates through the ability to comment, to exchange information, to write about events and, to a certain extent without any extra cost, to play online games either alone or in competition with others.

The most popular social networking sites tend to be used both my private individuals and by companies bringing their products and services to a wider audience though commercial Pages, sponsored messages and direct advertising. For private individuals the use of social networking sites is clearly a personal matter, and time is allocated to the various sites according to both need and desire. Commercially instigated networking, on the other hand, is a very professional activity requiring a solid base knowledge both of product or service, target audience and marketing strategies. The two forms of social networking - private and commercial - have very few overlapping entities.

The one thing which must immediately be accepted is that social networking, whether on one single site or across several, requires a good deal of dedication and time. For the private individual merely updating their status is not enough, there is the desire to communicate, the need to stay in touch with other people on a Friends List or in a Timeline, to see what they are doing and, often, to comment on their activities as well as sharing with yet more people. A private individual with a basic Timeline connection to one hundred people within roughly the same time zone can expect to receive new updates every few minutes, depending on how active their friends are. For some the feeling that they might miss something, a message or a relatively important status update results in constant checking of the social network to see what has changed, what is new and to add their own viewpoint, their own activities, events and experiences to the mass. The sight of people walking along the street or standing in shop doorways, riding the bus or waiting in traffic checking their smart phones is no longer something which excites interest, it is part and parcel of daily life. People who are not constantly checking through their chosen social networking site are out of the cycle, out of reach and out of touch.

Companies using the commercial facilities offered by various social networking sites tend to have a specialized team of experts who are dedicated to both publicity through such means and who have a certain background knowledge of the functioning of the Internet and IT. The creation and maintenance of a company web site, the constant updating of information, contact with customers through a Help Desk or the completion of contracts online is no longer the only activity possible on the Internet. A company which does not have a Facebook Page or which is not present on LinkedIn, Twitter or a wealth of other social networking sites is no longer considered present on the Internet. Social networking sites bring the company closer to the customer, allow for a greater level of interaction and an almost immediate means of getting a new product accepted in the marketplace. As with private individuals using social networking sites, a commercial use requires dedication as well as excellent background knowledge and a good deal of time. Most companies present on the Internet will have a team dedicated solely to this task, including individuals responsible just for Twitter or Facebook and constant interaction with those contacting them or, in the case of Twitter, Mentioning (the inclusion of an @ name in a Tweet) them.

The one thing both individuals and commercial enterprises suing social networking sites have in common is the amount of time involved in keeping up to date or in touch with a long list of family, friends and online acquaintances. The temptation to just quickly check and see what is happening is constantly in the back of everyone's mind once they have built up a stable base of contacts, especially when some of these contacts live in other time zones, outside the normal two or three hours to either side of their own time zone. The working and leisure hours of people living in Australia or New Zealand are different to those of people living in the United States or Europe and anyone who wishes to experience live connections so far outside their own time zone needs to be available outside of normal leisure times, often during times when they would normally be working.

For anyone with an Internet connection in the workplace, the temptation to just quickly log on to a social networking site and check what's happening 'just in case' is extremely strong. A quick check, however, can mean that something which should be done for the company, for their employer, during company hours, during the time when they are paid to concentrate on company matters has been relegated in importance, or shifted to a later time. Company time is being utilized to check on a purely private activity which, for many companies, is an abuse of privileges, a waste of company time and a straight loss of that person's effectiveness for the company. A distracted employee does not work as effectively as a dedicated, concentrated employee. The use of company facilities, such as an Internet connection rather than a personal smart phone or similar, also rates as a loss for the company and, for many, an abuse of facilities, of trust.

The updating of status during company time is also, for most companies, dangerous in that information could be given out, working practices, the relationships between various colleagues and their employers or fellow workers and similar. The interaction between a worker and a seemingly reliable or trustworthy friend in a similar branch of business could lead to an inadvertent or planned breach of confidential information, especially when the employee is disgruntled or unhappy with their workplace, company policy or, quite simply, experiencing a bad day. That a person on the receiving end of information, innocent status updates or otherwise, may not be who they claim to be is a fact of modern life. Internet identities which do not match reality are a commonplace rather than an exception, especially when bearing in mind that Facebook, easily the largest social networking site in the world, has admitted that up to eighty million user accounts could be fakes; people or companies hiding behind an invented identity.

Faced with legal and contractual difficulties, plus a high number of employees with Internet access though company facilities or through their own private means, it is almost impossible for a medium to large sized company to keep tabs on each and every Internet-related activity. Various spy, logging or tracking software systems are available to keep a close eye on such activity, but these are all limited to after-the-fact reporting and are labor intensive. The easiest, but my no means foolproof, means of keeping social networking activity on company time to a minimum is to ban it outright or, when a more liberal company view is taken, allow trusted employees a limited online access window, with the provision that nothing concerning company business, policy or normal events taken from the working day are included in status updates, tweets or posts to any social networking site.

For each and every company with constant Internet connections for their employees there is a loss though online activity, both in productivity and efficiency. This loss, both in time and funds, is also present where employees use their own facilities to gain Internet access. It is difficult, however, for a company to regulate whether an employee be granted time to update their private social networking sites, or to check whether they are abusing trust and company facilities and updating on the sly. Regardless of which, as every single employee is present during work hours on the company time and is paid by them to fulfill a certain and specific function, the use of social networking sites during company time should not be acceptable. Social networking, for private individuals, is a personal matter which should be limited to their own time, to their leisure hours, and not taken at the cost of their employers.

Viktoria Michaelis is an American student (born July 1992) currently resident in Germany on a Student Exchange Program Intensive Training Course in Property Management, Investment, Insolvency and Executive Management Skills prior to studying Business Studies and Economics at Bremen University. She regularly writes in her personal Blog at Viktoria Michaelis.

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How To Make Business Pages On Facebook

Most people know Facebook as a social networking site. They have never known that Facebook is a place where you can advertise your business without having to incur the pay-per-click costs. The reason why not many people are informed about this important facility is that it is a bit hidden. If you would like people to visit your commercial page on Facebook, it is imperative that you set up business pages on Facebook. You should however remember that doing anything that is against the terms and conditions set up by Facebook are going to lead to your account being shut down. Though these pages mostly are tied up to your profile, doing proper marketing will help you reach a large audience and advertise your business without paying a single cent. Sometimes, it is recommended that you get a separate domain.

This article is going to take you through some of the steps you are supposed to follow when setting up business pages on Facebook.

The first step is to create the Facebook account itself. Remember that you have to open an account in your name and not the company name. You are then supposed to click the advertising section on the bottom of the page. Click 'pages' on the top of the page. This shows you what you can do on your pages. You are also able to see some of the sample screenshots. It is a kind of tutorial that shows how you are going to approach the matter of advertising. If you still have an existing account, this is where you are supposed to go and do your advertising.

It is imperative to designate the kind of business you are running. If it is a law firm, a communication firm, etc. This is because Facebook applies templates that are in tandem with the kind of company you are running. Ensure that the name of the page is your business name. You should fill your business information on your business page profile. Include things such as your business logo among other key details. You can also include a retinue of the events that your firm might be holding.

There is also a plus sign at the end of the page where you can add your photos, videos, as well as any other kind of notes that you would like to put on your business profile. There is no limit when it comes to what you put on your Facebook business page. You can add discussions, frequently asked questions, among any other information you would like to pass across to your audience.

Once you have clicked the plus sign, the drop-down box is going to show on the page. This gives you the room to add all the extra elements you want. From the elements given, you should click the one you want a follow the given elements in order to affect it. You have the freedom to tinker around with the page until you get the look that you desire most. When you want to delete whatever you have set, you only have to do two simple clicks.

To get more information for marketing on Facebook go to my website
Business on Facebook at to learn how to apply the best strategies to attract new prospects

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Seven Golden Rules for Facebook and Co

By now, Social Networks are part of our daily routines like the cup of coffee in the morning. In the past, if you wanted to stay in touch with friends and family or wanted to track down old acquaintances, you had to grab the telephone handset or hire a private investigator - Thanks to Facebook, Google+, MySpace & Co. these days are definitely over!

But as with all social interactions there are behavioral codes: Who ignores them can ruin his image faster than a loose lipped politician.

It goes without saying that you have to refrain from using insults, racist remarks and random threats of violence. The Internet forgives and forgets nothing, that's a fact. This is why you should keep an eye on personal information and correct conduct. For many employers it became a routine part of their evaluation of future employees to check the social networks to make sure they got the right candidate.

See below some very important codes of conduct.

1. Use Your Real Name

At least in business networks such as Linkedin or Xing you should avoid using pseudonyms. I know that this probably causes an uproar with people who are really conscious about privacy concerns. But the use of nicknames such as "cuba_libre" or "bangkok_john376" is unprofessional in the professional world. Not to mention that it makes it harder if not impossible for potential employers or business partners to find you. There is also the big advantage that you think twice before posting something online when you use your actual name.

2. Keep Your Cool - Insults and Abusive Language are Taboo!

Did you have a bad day at work? Is your inflexible department chief going on your nerves or did you get criticized by your boss? Everyone is frustrated every now and then, that's normal! It's not normal though to blow one's steam off on social networks. Never forget that social networks are more or less public! You wouldn't be the first one who's lost his job because of rash comments on Facebook. Ensure that it doesn't get personal when you express your opinion. Especially when you come back from the pub on a Friday night and had a few after a hard week in the coalmine, better go straight to bed and don't log in to you preferred social platform.

3. Be Careful with Pics and Vids

If you use your Photoshop expertise to paste your bosses head on the body of a monkey, please don't post the resulting artwork online! It will be only funny until your boss gets tagged by a jealous co-worker. Also do not get too enthusiastic about video content - Not everybody can laugh about everything! On one side it's great to have pics of yourself posted on Facebook, Myspace & Co, but pay attention to what these pics project and who else is to be seen on them.

4. Release Information targeted

Use friends lists (on Facebook) or circles (Google+) to filter who sees what. There is also the possibility, if this is to complicated and time consuming, to create different profiles on the same platforms for private and official use.

5. Arrogance is out of Place on Social Networks

"Be humble" my parents and grandparents used to tell me; to be honest, they had a point there! But there are many users who think that this rule doesn't apply to the internet and its social networks, To continuously boast with your successes and (existing or imaginary) expertise is not well-received by most other users. If for example somebody posts a question in a forum, the "use the search feature"-answer or RTFM (use the search features) is not only rude but outright offensive. If the question was posted and answered before, guide the new user to the respective thread and do not offend him/her, OK?

6. Be careful with Online-Dating Sites

Online-Dating is either a great thing or a total disaster. Most of these sites are built similar to Facebook but the big difference is the profile pics. The picture on dating sites is in average 10-15 years old. If you follow this trend and also upload ancient photos because you looked more attractive 20 years ago, you might get more response but the actual date will be rather short.

In each case you have to be very careful with dating sites; do not give up too much information about yourself and realize that not everybody on these sites is looking for a life companion.

7. Always keep your Job in Mind

It's none of your bosses' business what videos, pics or comments you post online? WRONG! Let's say you have direct customer contact and the said client knows you by name... this and many other facts you should always keep in the back of your head because to a certain extent you always represent the organization you're working for.

The Bottom Line: Always keep your image in mind

You don't want to ruin your image or provide too much information to data collectors, do you? My advice: keep you digital footprint as small as possible. You don't have to be registered on EVERY single social network! Keep your personal data organized and don't divulge too much about you. Use your common sense and think about if you can still stand behind what you post today in 5 years from now. Always apply the golden rule: think first, type later! Because the internet forgets nothing...

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Social Networking: Improving Daily or Slowly Dying

Social networking has been increasing over the last couple years although I feel it will slowly fade away and branch off into a whole new system or dissolve completely in the coming years.

Take a look at MySpace. Did they make mistakes or did people simply stop caring about the site? Now ask yourself this, "What's the difference between MySpace and Facebook?" The answer in all honesty is nothing. You are able to do the exact same things on both social network sites. Not so much anymore because MySpace changed direction and focuses on music now. At one time though, they were the exact same thing with the exact same features.

Word of mouth is probably the most powerful tool you can use to spread the word about something and I think that's what happened here. One person got bored and told a friend to switch and then that person agreed and told another person and so on and so on. I don't think anyone really got sick of MySpace, I think word of mouth just spread so fast about Facebook that people just decided to use that instead. And when two social network sites with the same features are competing, one of them is going to be the loser.

So how long will Facebook be around for? Well, until another social network pops up with new and advanced or improved features.You probably have already started to see it with the increase in popularity of Google+. People have already started to migrate to Google because of its privacy features and group settings.

New social networking sites are popping up all the time. If you want to be different from the rest of the them, then you have to create one that has its own niche. Take a look at They offer a community that is geared to the creative side of people who show off their arts & crafts. Now look at A community that connects people to bartenders and servers for promotions. Their niche is in food, beverage and service industry.

As you can see, these communities stand apart by focusing on one niche. They aren't seeking everyone in the entire world to join, just those that are interested in what they offer and bringing those people together.

I feel social networking is slowly starting to die out. I feel that way because it's seems people are slowly losing interest. Spammers don't help the situation either. I notice when I'm on Twitter that people are constantly trying to follow me and send me messages related to porn and other nonsense. I'm clearly not interested and I tend to stop logging in as much because of that. As social networks grow, so do the spammers and they get more and more creative every time.

Eventually, when people get bored of using a certain website they will no longer use it and either find another one or just stop using it altogether.

Back to what I said earlier, word of mouth is a powerful tool. If your best friend told you not to eat at a restaurant because their food was bad, would you still eat there? No, you wouldn't. So when a million people tell their friends to stop using Facebook because they found something else, what do you think will happen.

Social networking will be around for a while but when the "next best thing" comes out in technology that's better than social networking, be prepared for society to change its ways. Technology is improving everyday and just like touch screens on phones are becoming the standard, so will a replacement for social networking.

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Social Internet Marketing The Right Way

There are plenty of things you may read about social internet marketing and the way to put it to use to your benefit. Well, the truth is social media marketing is an excellent tool to have within your arsenal, as long as you make use of it the correct way. Social media marketing will be your closest friend, and you will learn to make it so using the following guidance.

An advantage of social media marketing is it costs nothing. There isn't any cost to promote yourself on the web, which is making it quite simple for many individuals to market. So you will need to make social networking company accounts for the websites you have. This way it is possible to market by means of all your social media marketing accounts and produce just as much success as you possibly can for all your websites.

A good way to generate lots of success is by using hashtags to your benefit. When using Twitter, make certain you use relevant hashtags which are popular. You need to even begin utilizing them on Facebook now, as well. Hashtags are what draw individuals simply because they generally look for probably the most well-liked phrases and ideas out on the web.

Do not delay - publish links for your social media company accounts to your internet site. What better way to draw in people to your site than to encourage them to visit directly? You will need to make certain you are publishing relevant updates, but make certain you are promoting yourself too. Steer clear of filling up people's news feed with content material that isn't informative and enjoyable for them. This could prevent individuals from returning to your website, so make certain you provide them with updates they're able to appreciate.

It is possible to ask your family and friends to write concerning your social media accounts. You can market to your good friends and have them sell for you too. Ask them to let all their close friends spread the word concerning your website for you as well as your objectives in the future. When you have good objectives to make use of your earnings sensibly this can attract people in making them enthusiastic about what both you and your company are offering.

As time passes make certain you revise the content material for both your internet site and social networking accounts. You will need to make updates within these areas so as to always have the most relevant content material on the websites. As your enterprise model is constantly developing you will want to make certain that you enhance your websites too.

Individuals from all over will begin appreciating the information you have to provide them. With all the current effort that you're going to make there shouldn't be any reasons why men and women can't be a minimum a little entertained with the information you have to give them. Hopefully this short article was informative and to your benefit, and all the best in achieving your future objectives.

Learn more about promoting your website at
Read more of our social media marketing articles
Follow us on Twitter: @cybavilla

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How Will the New LinkedIn Profile Page Changes Affect You and Your Business?

While LinkedIn is in the process of making a variety of changes to update its pages, the first page changes - which will immediately affect you - are its upcoming change of the Profile Photo size; providing you with a larger frame for your photo. The second is several sections will now be hidden in the background. Such as website address, email, and several other sections. Leaving you more space for Summary creation.

First, what can a larger photo frame mean to you?

Dressing more professionallyTaking more time with grooming before a photo shootSpringing for a professional photographerChoosing a less casual photo

In the past, you may effectively used Adobe or snagged your face from a family, friends or group biz photo. With the new larger photo frame, you'll need one which shows only you. Making it more difficult to crop yourself from current group photos.

Do photos really matter? Do members and visitors even look at them?

The answer is yes. LinkedIn stats show members consider people who don't upload a photo don't care enough about their presentation. Suggesting that pages with no photos are often skipped over.

In order to stand out from your competition and the crowd, to make a good impression with potential clients who likely don't meet you before hiring, you should provide a clear, current, professional looking profile photo of yourself. How you create that photo, or whether you have a pro snap you, is your choice.

Regarding attire for photos:

While dressing for success has always been essential when job interview time comes 'round, when meeting new or potential clients, LinkedIn is now upping its professionalism and yours. By providing you with a larger frame, for your photo. Allowing you take center stage on your Profile Page.

A 2010 national poll by the Center for Professional Excellence at York College of Pa. provided the following invaluable information:

"Appearance" ranked second only to "communication skills" when respondents named qualities most often associated with professionalism."

Further - Virginia Tech's Division of Student Affairs tells students applying for all types of jobs - "Your choice of attire reflects your judgment. Your choices regarding your attire and appearance: Show how you choose to present yourself. Are a form of communication to the people you encounter". This is such good advice, it can aptly be applied to almost anyone appealing or applying to clients or companies to hire them.

LinkedIn Summary Changes:

More emphasis will also be placed on your Summary. When it comes to businesses, this should not be presented resume style. And will require more thought and presentation to hit the mark and get you hired.

Not only that, because competition is so fierce your Summary will require some search engine optimization to reach those who want your unique services and products.

Getting that done means doing some keyword research to discover what words potential clients actually search for to find you. If you're unfamiliar with keyword search, use Google's Free Keyword Search Tool.

In a recent LinkedIn workshop I hosted, I explained that LinkedIn is similar to Google in that it can be considered a type of search engine. Though considerably smaller, you are still using it as one when you type names, groups and other info into the search box at the top of each page. This search box helps members refine the search process.

There are several other Profile Page changes:

Job titles will be removed from the area next to your photo. That spot will show education and experience. Website info, emails, for example, will now be found by clicking the 'contact' button.

The two changes you should be most concerned with, and having the most impact, are your profile photo and Summary.

Think about scheduling an appointment with a professional photographer. One whose expertise is snapping business professionals. Though technically a business expense, it's also an investment. Don't think it's necessary or can't fit it into the budget? Get creative. And discover a way to use a pro looking photo you have on file. No kids, no pets, no family - just you.

Second to that, yet no less important, is fleshing out, and search engine optimizing your summary. Taking some extra time to rethink, reorganize and/or rewrite your Linkedin Profile Summary, along with a great profile photo, will allow you to present yourself as the best professional for the job. One ready for immediate hire.

One last word regarding dressing professionally. Here's some sage advice from Image Consultant Sandy Dumont: "If you are not professionally attired, you won't get the job, even if you are the most qualified. Always dress better than required for an interview. Never dress down, because it is insulting to the other person. It says, 'I don't have to impress you; I dress for my own comfort.' When you dress to impress, they get it, and you will stand out from all the other candidates."

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