Why Should I Market My Business Online?
Door to door sales sucks. It sucks so bad, the people wont take that job even thought they have never done it before. The only people who manage to make that work are people who can be denied a million times then rebound off one sale. The majority of us already know that the million times we get a door slammed in our face, or a dog chase us, or a physical threat is enough for us to try another approach.
Hello, my name is Conner, and I have found out first hand that dogs can run fast, door slams do hurt my feelings, and physical threats make me want to stop. I don't know about you, but I am a fan of doing things the easy way.
Lets figure out why everyone should take their marketing skills to the amazing Internet! The first thing you learn while trying to bring people into your business, is that over 99% of people don't want to know about anything you have to say. The learning process is a slow, and long one. You attempt to make a simple sale, with your only teacher is the sting of failure. If you get lucky then you will have a mentor helping you fail, until you eventually get one. Or you burn through your contacts list and get stuck. Once again long and slow.
If you did learn how to master your sales skills, you have to spent time talking to people individually. Even a master at sales will still get rejected almost every time. To master this skill you have to repeat the process many times. This is a very time-consuming process.
This skill is a very important one to learn. But you don't want to waste it on out dated tactics. You will want to experience the power first hand! You will want to make a video online, and have a million leads piling up begging for your offer. You will want to master one sales skill and talk to 100,000 people a day. But you want to do this all, on auto pilot and sleeping while this happen. That is right, you won't have to talk to them individually.
That is the power my friend. Master your sales skills, combine it with the internet and share it with the masses.
Facebook hit over seven million people a while ago. Just with one website you can target a large part of those people. Imagine hand picking your customers. Hand picking the people who are interested in your offer. Having the power to succeed faster in your business than anyone else before you. This is why you want to market online.
The bottom line, money. Lots and lots of it.
Interested in marketing your business online?