Building Online Presence
Building online presence is a combination of putting together a social network.
This is such a simple but very powerful platform that will allow you to market any product or service imaginable. When it comes right down to it, there is only one you and branding yourself is nothing more than leaving your footprint on this thing called the World Wide Web. The great thing about building online presence is that it can be done free or at a very low price.
From my own personal experience I really struggled online for well over a year. Let's be honest, I failed miserably plain and simple! My focus was on mastering every marketing strategy know to man and I got stuck in learning mode. There is nothing wrong with being in learning mode but you may find yourself spinning your wheels without gaining much traction.
Laying down a solid foundation when building online presence is pretty simple. Building your presence online is like creating a new neighborhood. You establish your residence and even get to pick your neighbors. This is not rocket science, in fact it's amazingly simple to do. You can build your residence as fast as you wish or do this over the course of weeks and months.
When building online presence your mapping out your virtual real estate. In the eyes of Google everything that has your name on it is all interconnected. There are 3 things from my school of hard knocks that any online marketer must have in place, in order to build from. A simple word press blog is a key component. This is your house so to speak in this new neighborhood. Be sure to invite over guest to visit and ask them to return as often as they wish. Another aspect just as important to branding is social media sites. These social media sites allow you to build relationships and find high quality targeted friends that you can network with. It would be to your advantage to sign up to as many social media sites as possible. The third basic element is a You Tube channel. Video is incredibly powerful and if it has relevance it ranks very high in the search engines. Also Google owns You Tube so it is well liked for good reason.
All social media sites help building online presence:
My Space
Linked in
You Tube
One important factor when building online presence is to take your time setting up your profiles. I'm going to suggest that you use the same picture at each site so that people will recognize you from place to place. Also be sure to fully fill in all information and write a great but brief biography. Your blog url should be in your profile and most sites have a place for you to put in your website. This connection with all your social media pointing to your blog adds to the territory of your brand and interconnects the sites within Google.
Now that you have your frame work of social sites built you slowly add friends and pick them from groups of ladies and gentlemen that you would like to know or work with. This can be extremely powerful as your network builds. Having a solid base of entrepreneurs and business minded contacts will eventually result in a steady flow of leads. People will seek you out and want to be a part of what ever your involved in. Remember people join people and not the offer. Building your online presence first before you become an expert marketer will help speed up the brand that is, you.
Hope you enjoy this article. Be sure to visit my blog for other great articles. Also come and see how I'm making my full time living from the internet. Life is short so finish strong my friend.