
Where Should Someone Sign Up To Learn Social Networking For Business?

The best place to learn social networking for business purposes is not in any classroom. The problem with most classroom classes is that those who teach the subject are no longer practitioners they are teachers. Even if the teacher was effective at the discipline in question, their skill set is constantly becoming outdated unless they have their foot in the business outside of the classroom.

Before a person learns social networking for business purposes from anyone, they should ask if the person has ever made money from social networking. This is the real test of how skilled a social networking guru or expert really is because most experts are self-proclaimed experts. There is no hard evidence of their skill other than a large list of people who may or may not be following them. The truth about social networks is that there are plenty of robots who do nothing other than query databases for names of people who have posted updates about a relevant topic. This robot then follows the person and begins to post predetermined messages to the system. The person behind the messages and the robot never reads the messages on the server or platform, and therefore the profile is actually a robot and not a human. Most social media campaigns are not geared towards pleasing robots because robots cannot be a good source of revenue (because they do not interact and usually cannot make buying decisions).

Once a person has a positive response to the ultimate question in all of business activities (have you made money with this approach), they should then buckle down and listen to that person very intently. The problem with most people is that they bring their own head trash into the game before they even begin learning. This causes them not to be able to hear that the teacher is actually telling them. It does not make sense to hire a mentor if the student only wants to argue with the mentor at every step. Once, a business owner or person has made the decision that they should get help from a mentor, and then they must make the choice to actually listen and work with the mentor until they learn what must be learned.

All that is left at this point is just to put in the time to learn what is necessary for the business owner or business person to learn. There are no short cuts to success if someone is building their social profile from the ground up. A person or business can purchase a profile; however, this also does not guarantee success because the tone and the writing style of the new owner will not be the same as he previous person. Therefore, some of the followers may just drop off the system all together. Putting in the time and effort to develop a list that likes to hear how that business owner or business person specifically talks is always the best idea on any social networking platform.

In conclusion, a business person who wants to learn highly effective social networking should ask the magic question of any person they are thinking of asking to teach them. This question is, "how much have you made using your techniques." If the teacher cannot respond with anything but, "I have x amount of followers" or "I have x amount of retweets" then that business person should avoid that teacher. This is the best way to find a social networker who knows what they are doing.

Scott Buendia consults for All the views and tactics in this article are tactics and ideas of the author; they do not necessarily represent the ideals, beliefs, or trademarks of Visit his card on Bizbuilt here,

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